This is a fat freezing and elimination procedure suitable for both men and women. It is a simple procedure that takes a less time to deliver results that last long.

Coolsculpting – An Overview

As a non-surgical process this one involves the use of fat-freezing technique to eliminate excess fat cells. After placing a gel pad in the area to be treated, an applicator is positioned in the spot. As the applicator does its job by freezing the fat cells underneath you can relax and carry out simple activities. The actual time taken depends on the number of areas being treated. The procedure can be repeated afterwards depending on the amount of fat deposit below the skin and the intended contouring results.

It can be used to eliminate fat deposits in abdomen, outer thighs and inner thighs, upper arms, flank and even area under the chin.


  • This is an FDA approved method safe to be used to treat fat deposits in different portions of the body.
  • It comes with an easy and quick recovery process
  • A single treatment session is enough to tackle fat deposits in multiple locations of the body. It therefore saves time while delivering a drastic overall transformation of the physique.
  • It is an effective fat treatment that shows steady results within a few days.
  • There are no harsh chemicals used and therefore there are no skin damaging side effects to worry about
  • No incisions are made during the procedure. There is no visible scar that stays.